I was driving home from work yesterday and I decided to make a detour into the new IKEA, since you can't get near that place on the weekends. My first impression...it smelled really good...were they cooking Swedish meatballs...perhaps, but that gave me a good first impression. Then I got lost in the maze of do-it-yourself furniture and $2 candles. I was ok at first, being forced to go up the escalator, grab a big yellow bag and be set loose. But then after about 15 mins, I couldn't find my way out. They have these doorways they call short cuts...but it’s just a short cut to more crappy $2 umbrellas and $2 calculators. I gently put down my big yellow bag and begin to make it my mission to escape IKEA. After finding myself in the cafeteria, (they were making Swedish meatballs - amongst other Swedish food), I ended up in the container area. I actually found some bowls that I could use, but still could not find the check-out area...ugh...after walking through a warehouse full of lumber...there they were...the cashiers! I should have known that they would be on the complete opposite side of where I went in...I guess that is their ingenious tactic...many people just buy, buy, buy...but it was just a lot of junk. The furniture didn't look too bad, but since I'm all furnished in the Loft, didn't really need anything. I'm kind of disappointed in my visit and don't understand why middle America is going gaga over IKEA...oh wait, that's right, I don't get middle America anyways, so just add this to the list.
ikea is further sign of the ruination of america. swedish walmart.
Matt, at August 10, 2005 9:01 AM
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