Aunt Martha
She looks so innocent. I want her to make me pancakes...from stratch, no Bisquik or Aunt Jemima, although I do love me some Auntie every now and again...just add water...but talk about a crazy brand image:
I wonder what Martha thinks of Jemima? I'd like to see Martha dress up like Jemima with the head wrap and the hanky around the neck. I can just see Auntie Martha talking to the Federal investigators..."Hell no, I didn't have any inside info...bitch...shut yo' mouth and eat my pancakes!"
BTW, I like mine with Blueberries.
Actually, the good people at The Quaker Oats Company (being nice Quakers and all) have revamped Aunt Jemima's image to reflect the modern, only slightly indentured housekeeper. She now looks a lot like Gladys Knight.
E, at August 04, 2005 10:57 AM
I still like to think of Aunt J as a big jolly ole' gal, although I have seen the Gladys Knight version...
Donks, at August 04, 2005 11:27 AM
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