When Donkeys Fly

Monday, October 24, 2005

Weekend Update

The Freaky Friday/Weekend Extravaganza came to an end yesterday resulting in another hook up free 3 day affair. Ms. Howard came out the big winner with a Saturday night wrangling. The weekend in all was a lot of fun. Friday night we felt the wrath of God with some crazy thunderstorms that literally flooded the street at the Faye Gold Art Gallery show. There was an original Ansel Adams print for $46,000...on the price tag it then stated that the frame was an extra $170. Damn, you'd think for $46K they would throw in the frame! Ended up at Red Chair and then on to the Heretic, where the Varsity team was represented and the Junior League stepped it up. Saturday was the Halloween Parade in Little 5 Points...Atlanta has some unique neighborhoods, but I think that Little 5 wins the prize for most eclectic. Dinner at James' turned into a short stop at Davida's and then on to Jungle for a fun night. Traded some phone numbers but ended up at home making cookies. The trick to being drunk and making cookies is to not fall asleep on the couch. I awoke to smoke pouring out of my oven, yikes, a few more minutes and it could have been trouble. Sunday was amazing...temps in the 70s and sunny. Beautiful day for a long run. Sunday night brought my first trip to Atlantic Station. That place seems really great. Like a small city in a city. Charlie is bearing down in Melbourne with Wilma knocking on his door. He's coming up for the weekend and it will be good to have him in town.


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