It's Halloween and The Weekend in Review
It's Halloween. I remember how I used to get so excited for Halloween when I was a kid. We used to get Barbasol Shaving Cream, stick a pin in the nozzle, burn the plastic around the pin, pull out the pin and whamo! you have a shaving cream spray gun. After hours of roaming the neighborhoods planning shaving cream attacks on other groups, we would eventually make our way back home, completely covered. My parents always thought this was the craziest shit, which it was, but that is what made it fun. No more shaving cream attacks or even giving out candy to little kids. Since I moved into my loft, we have no visitors. Which is kind of sad. I even miss the teenagers that used to come to my house, not dressed up at all, just wanting candy. Next year. This past weekend was great. Charlie made it up from Florida. Went to the GT/Clemson game for some tailgating, then went to Atlantic Station again, then to some parties on Saturday night. Charlie and I were Ken dolls...I was Sandstorm Ken and Charlie was Renegade Ken. Saturday night at Jungle was was packed. Sunday was a lazy day which ended up with a tour of the Oakwood Cemetery. Great idea, great company, bad tour guide. Ms. Anti-climatica. And then???? She never finished her about being left with blue balls. Then it was on the salmon cook off. Charlie and I went back to my loft to prepare two types of salmon...mine was salmon covered in a concoction of julienned bartlet pears, brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, in addition to a drizzle of brown sugar based bbq sauce. It was baked at 350 for ~25 mins and then broiled on low for 5 mins to crisp the glaze. Charlie made his with mainly garlic...he flash fried the salmon then covered it in a concoction of olive oil and garlic with ground pepper and sea salt. They were both very sweet, one seasoned/garlic. It was a great weekend in all…great weather, great friends and good times.
donks- i want both of those recipes. and halloween isn't the same anymore, the kids these days have no idea.
timber, at October 31, 2005 12:24 PM
Excellent blog
Thierry from France
L'homme est un concept, at October 31, 2005 10:21 PM
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