When Donkeys Fly

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Its Tuesday and my legs have that good hurt feeling...yesterday was cross training day, so I decided to stay away from all things cardio and focus on lifting...Legs and Biceps. Great workout. My legs feel good...and my biceps feel worked. Today is back to running. Since I'm heading to Colorado this weekend, I've been looking for good trail runs in Colorado Springs...I found one that runs up Pikes Peak. 12.8 miles up. I'm thinking that's a no. Since I have a 13 miler scheduled for Sunday, I'm looking for a flat course! I'll find one that will work. And since I will already be at a disadvantage due to the altitude, I'm really not looking forward to it, but I'm keeping on schedule GD! Made a great piece of Salmon last night and actually enjoyed eating some wild brown rice. Ok, I did use butter on the Salmon and the rice, but geez, I'm eating right, exercising, training for a marathon and it's almost March! I'm keeping on keeping on.


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