As much as I am a fucking nut and love to be a big goof ball...things are a changing kids - at least for the initial presentation phase. Last night David and I spent some time thinking about presentation. What makes somebody more attractive during an initial impression and what are 'turn offs'? I, for a very long time, have put having fun - which includes being sarcastic and goofy in front of other more laid back approaches. I have always thought - if my friends laugh and have fun with me, then that's the image I want to use with meeting new people. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Eventually that goofy side can come out, but the problem I think we have here is first impressions. My friends know me and know that I'm kidding around and being goofy...when I meet somebody for the first time, they don't get the inside jokes and probably wonder why I'm such a goof. So, as a result of this self-analysis, my approach is now going to be different...I'll keep you posted on my results.
sometimes, it is simply remembering meeting the person after the second, third, or fifteenth time. and you know me well enough to know that I am only teasing you, mark. ;)
DJ JT, at May 23, 2006 4:09 PM
very true, very true...I've done that before!
Donks, at May 24, 2006 9:42 AM
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