When Donkeys Fly

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Will and Grace

The end is here...

It’s been an amazing ride. Who would have thought that a program focusing on gay themes and involving openly gay characters would have been embraced so whole-heartedly by the American Public? In a time of our history, where gay rights and open discrimination has taken center stage, one would think that the apprehension to the gay culture in general would be reflected in popular culture and mass media. But, no. Will and Grace have thrived for the past 8 seasons. How is this possible? Perhaps the small majority with loud voices and deep pockets that has driven their views and are shoving their discrimination agenda down our throats do not represent all Americans. Perhaps the people who do go out and vote (usually a measly 25% or less) do not represent the real American viewpoints. Perhaps the Neilsen ratings are a better litmus test for the real American pulse on issues that affect us all. Will and Grace is definitely a ground breaking show. I have sat and laughed my ass off at this show and at times completely forget that the show centers on gay characters. I hope that the rest of America has had a similar experience. This may be the end of a great series, but only the beginning of a long battle for acceptance, that had gained prominence and character thanks to the well balanced approach and conscience focus of a show we all will miss for more than just the laughs.


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