Am I soon going to be cruising down the 101? Probably not because A) I live in San Diego, the 101 is in LA and B) Nobody cruises down the's pretty much always a parking lot. I got into San Diego last night and finally was able to settle in around 9PM...midnight my time. Got a cool car... a 2006 Ford Mustang hard-top - red ... Drove around my new neighborhood...Little Italy...very cool. Was amazed at my 8 minute commute this morning...that was a first for me...mine usually runs ~25 mins...I'm going to head out for a run along the Pacific tonight after work. I'm looking forward to my 8 weeks out here...I'm a bit nervous over the fact that I don't know anybody in San Diego or even know where the grocery store is...but of course, leave it to Starbucks to have a store right on my corner. Now if I could only figure out how to get out of my apartment building without going through the parking garage...its weird not to have a TV at my the hell am I suppose to watch Oprah! Oh well...this will be a great experience for me and I hope my friends come to visit - hint hint... one other thing ... crazy but I have had to wear my glasses for the first time consistently in 3 years. Is my vision getting worse or is it stress related? Or did I finally step into the deep end and I will now have to wear glasses/contacts for the rest of my life? Getting older is so much fun.
San Diego? What?? I'm so confused. Temporary job assignments are supposed to land you in places like Peoria, IL or Waco, TX, not San Diego. Enjoy, you bastard.
Michael, at September 15, 2006 12:29 PM
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