Cleaning House
I've always found it extremely difficult to throw anything away...I have tee shirts from when I was in 9th grade and I still wear some of them. I have a report I did on South Dakota, in 5th Grade, in my night stand - you never know when you may have to pull out a tid-bit of knowledge on the Mount Rushmore State. Last night, I decided to go through my 200 tee-shirts and select a few to send off to the Salvation was impossibly hard. As I started going through them, I realized this was indeed a difficult task. I managed to put aside 10 tees and a bunch of sweaters I have been carrying around since I actually lived in a place where the temperature was below freezing consistently (that's 12 years ago). I think it was a good start...I barely wear any of this stuff, it's just so hard to get rid of! Once I had the selected few in a bag, I felt OK about sending them off - they are going to a better place where they can bring joy and comfort to folks in Southwest DeKalb. I need to do some housecleaning more often, hopefully it will get easier each time.
I'm so glad I checked back. Now that's THIRTY seconds that I'll never get back...
Anonymous, at October 17, 2007 5:44 PM
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