A Full Week
How quickly one week can pass on by...a full week since my last post. In that time I've only spent two nights in Atlanta with the rest split between LA and Florida. I'm trying to avoid all this cold weather. I'm in Atlanta for a while now and looking forward to hanging with the boys and hitting some Christmas parties. I was in Orlando over the weekend and went to a party on Saturday night. It included two "straight" Santas walking around giving out jello shots with whipped cream licked from their chests. I don't know how many times I heard "dude, I'm not gay, but go ahead". Interestingly enough, as the evening wore on, the two Santas ended up wrestling in their boxers on a bed. Hummm. It was very homoerotic. Is this what straight boys do? I'm thinking no. Or maybe I'm wrong. Since they were roommates, I'd love to have been a fly on the wall of their apartment later that night. Spent the weekend with Charlie. This kid is honestly one of the sweetest guys. What to do. He is graduating with his Master's degree today, quite a smart one. MS in Engineering. Congrats boy. Glad to be back in the ATL for a while!
ok, so i'm assuming you are referring to louisiana and not los angeles when you refer to LA? i'm not sayin', i'm just sayin'!
timber, at December 14, 2005 2:46 PM
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