When Donkeys Fly

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Crazy Isn't Only a Song by Patsy Cline

Sometimes I wish I were crazy...you know...off the wall with antics and attitude. But I'm not. I think things inside my head and they are witty, let me tell ya, but I come to my senses because I always realize that either the person(s) would be highly offended or it would not be the best option for me at the time. Human Socialization has killed the majority of my off-the-cuff remarks, out-right honest comments (that shirt is just hideous) and crazy tendencies...to be honest, it bugs me. As my friends know, I can be a bit Donkey-like and if you don't know what that is, just think of Donkey in the Shrek movies...endearingly annoying...but that's me. And there is more where that came from, but I resist. I say let's all just say what we want...just once a day. If you feel like you should say something, but your conscience says no...say it anyhow...it's open communication and better for the world in general. Not to mention, you'll feel a hell of a lot better in the end. And isn't that what we all want out of life, to feel better at the expense of others?


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