When Donkeys Fly

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It's Been a While

Wow...my biggest lapse yet. I've been on the road since December 30th and just landed back in the ATL late on Saturday. Back at work things have gradually been getting back to normal and I'm looking forward to a great 2006 (note my desire to be positive and focus on things being great...the mind is a powerful thing). Spent New Year's Eve in LA with Steven, Marcus, David, Jeff, John, Jim, Chaz and Holly. A big ATL contingent. The Friday we got out there, we went to a party in North Hollywood. Hum, no big surprise that we spent the entire time talking with other people from Atlanta. It's crazy actually. Go to any major city in the country and you will run into other Atlantans. What does that say about us? We like to travel or we like to get out of town. Hum. Anyway, it was a good trip, minus the torrential downpours and horrible cold that I caught. Which I really enjoyed during my 5 days in Vegas. Nothing like being in Vegas and going to bed at 9PM. Party animal, I tell ya. The Porn industry was holding their annual convention during my stay, so at least I got an eyeful when I did venture out of my room. Finally feeling better and finally back in Atlanta. All my boys are abandoning me this weekend and jaunting to Bat Cave, NC for a stay in the mountains. Something about getting dressed up like Bat Girl...umm I dunno...Charlie is coming to town, so we will try and keep ourselves busy. 2006 has started with a bang, I hope this doesn't indicate the type of year it will be...I was hoping for a more laid back year that 2005...one in which I could actually take a deep breath, open my eyes and stay in one place long enough to figure out who I am and what I want. I sometimes feel that people who are always on the go are on the go for a reason...being busy keeps us from filling our minds with real thoughts and real feelings. I'm going to try and slow down this year. 2006...the year I actually stop and think.


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