Channeling Ann Curry
Good Morning 2008, Good Morning Everybody, in the News this morning, Good Morning. Its Jan 2nd and absolutely freezing! Its still 28 degrees and almost 2PM. Winter has officially arrived...I hope it packs up and leaves soon. Looking forward into 2008, I see a year of growth for me and a year of deciding what I have next to do on my list of life. If I have to make one resolution it would be "to be more assertive" - in all aspects of my life. Sometimes I'm just not a happy camper and that is just not acceptable to me anymore. There. Done.
Make your plan, and follow through. It's that simple. And you've already demonstrated you have stick-to-it-iveness.
publius100, at January 04, 2008 10:50 AM
Happy New Year from New York. Hope all is well down in the old fourth ward...
Flippnyc, at January 07, 2008 12:59 PM
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