I just got back from a business trip to NYC...I wasn't even there for 24 hours...got in Monday at 6PM and left on Tuesday at 3:30PM...it was enough time for me to realize that I really like that town...its kind of an odd thing to say, because who doesn't like NYC? But I literally have been running away from Manhattan for the past 13 years. I am from upstate NY and went to college with many, many people from the tri-state area...either you were from Northern Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island or Westchester County...I was one of the outsiders from another part of NY. Either way, I really felt at home with all my friends and loved college. But when we all graduated, everybody was moving to the City. I felt smothered and claustrophobic...I wanted to get out and explore another city and grow into my true self. I didn't want to be stuck in college. In closing that door so quickly and strongly, I really may have missed out on the ability to grow with my friends in a city that is close to who I am. Living in Atlanta is great, and I have been sooo lucky with my friends here and the people of this city. But, sometimes people don't get me and that's been hard over the years - I've adjusted and grown and am a better person for it...the South really does teach you how to have a little class y'all! I do miss the New Yorker in me though...maybe I'll start saying fuck a bit more and honking my horn. It will make me feel like I'm home.