When Donkeys Fly

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I just got back from a business trip to NYC...I wasn't even there for 24 hours...got in Monday at 6PM and left on Tuesday at 3:30PM...it was enough time for me to realize that I really like that town...its kind of an odd thing to say, because who doesn't like NYC? But I literally have been running away from Manhattan for the past 13 years. I am from upstate NY and went to college with many, many people from the tri-state area...either you were from Northern Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island or Westchester County...I was one of the outsiders from another part of NY. Either way, I really felt at home with all my friends and loved college. But when we all graduated, everybody was moving to the City. I felt smothered and claustrophobic...I wanted to get out and explore another city and grow into my true self. I didn't want to be stuck in college. In closing that door so quickly and strongly, I really may have missed out on the ability to grow with my friends in a city that is close to who I am. Living in Atlanta is great, and I have been sooo lucky with my friends here and the people of this city. But, sometimes people don't get me and that's been hard over the years - I've adjusted and grown and am a better person for it...the South really does teach you how to have a little class y'all! I do miss the New Yorker in me though...maybe I'll start saying fuck a bit more and honking my horn. It will make me feel like I'm home.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Heath Ledger :: 1979-2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

These Are The Days

I think that it is when you become the busiest and most consumed that things actually begin happening for you...what do I mean? Well, when you find yourself busy and focused, you are less likely to dwell on the details with multiple issues. In the next 6 weeks, I will be traveling on 5 trips. I am also focused on my running and lifting, as #35 gets closer with each passing day. Not to mention American Idol is back and who can't get caught up in that whirlwind? As a result of all this, my focus is well, focused. Friends are in the forefront and life is good. I actually feel like cooking something, which only happens if I feel alignment in my life. Good friends, good food, good fun? Who's free for a Sunday dinner?

BTW...if you do decide to go and see Cloverfield, make sure you take some Dramamine. This is one of only 2 movies I have walked out of...I seriously was having a motion sickness reaction...headache, upset stomach and sweaty palms...it was crazy. The other movie? Bonfires of the Vanities - yawn.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Channeling Ann Curry

Good Morning 2008, Good Morning Everybody, in the News this morning, Good Morning. Its Jan 2nd and absolutely freezing! Its still 28 degrees and almost 2PM. Winter has officially arrived...I hope it packs up and leaves soon. Looking forward into 2008, I see a year of growth for me and a year of deciding what I have next to do on my list of life. If I have to make one resolution it would be "to be more assertive" - in all aspects of my life. Sometimes I'm just not a happy camper and that is just not acceptable to me anymore. There. Done.