Thursday, June 29, 2006
2 days until P-Town. Actually not even, my flight is at 8:30 on Saturday morning! Crazy shit. I'm pysched to head out to the Cape and the weather looks amazing this year! I love spending time with my boys...I don't say this much, as I'm still somewhat characterized by my Yankee harshness, but if I didn't have my boys, I honestly don't think life would be as good as it is. To me, life is not about what you can buy, what you can wear, where you live, who you do (and how many you do), but its about what you feel, how often you laugh and how you are accepted. My friends accept me for who I am and are there for me when I bitch and complain, and that doesn't happen very often at all, letmetellya. Also they laugh at my stupid jokes and we are caustic to each other, which is suprisingly funny and not harsh. I don't know. I really can't explain it, but our entire lives we look to find a group of friends with whom you feel comfortable and accepted. I'm lucky to have found mine and although some of us have moved on to other cities, when we get back together it is truly a friendship that time has not faltered. I'm looking forward to P-Town for the escape from work, Atlanta and most of all to be with the boys who help create a shelter for me from the real world.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Post Pride
This past weekend was the big Pride fest in Atlanta. Once again, it rained on our Parade, literally, but that didn't ruin the weekend by any means. In fact we needed the rain - so it was welcomed. Friday night was the Clash of the Couture Party in Roswell...which is really far away y'all...exit 7B off 400...we were in the boonies...but we had a lot of fun...Saturday I spent 5 hours in Piedmont Park absorbing the festivities...there are some interesting folks out there...I think all of Alabama and Tennessee made the trip down...spent the night at Wet and had a great time...Sunday was the rainy Parade...parties in Midtown (Erik's from Well, Well, Well - see link on the side bar - was great!) and a tragic, tragic trip to 1150. That was not my scene, not even close. We ended up at Fontaine's flirting with a girl who was asking us about our corn on the cob...are girls really that aggressive and upfront? She was fun, I wish more guys were like that instead of being so evasive. All in all it was another great Pride. Next weekend its off to P-Town for July 4th to do it all over again...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I'm Not Ready to Make Nice
The new Dixie Chicks Album is amazing. Go get it, listen to it, digest it, enjoy it and revel in their ability to stand up, stand proud and be Americans, in the truest sense of the word.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Atlanta Marathon
It was recently announced that Atlanta will host a brand new Marathon on March 25th 2007. ING which sponsors the NYC Marathon, Ottowa Marathon and the Taipei Marathon (to name a few), will also be the Atlanta Sponsor. That's some good company! The course will wind through some of Atlanta's most historic neighborhoods and will finish heading down Peachtree Street for the last 3 is a bit hilly in Atlanta for a marathon, but I'm willing to step up and support my home town for its inaugural run!!!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
People Magazine...Come On Now...
People Magazine just published their list of the hottest bachelors...who was #1? Was it Matthew McConaughey, Nick Lachey, Jake Gyllenhaal, Kenny Chesney, Jamie Foxx, Owen Wilson or Wentworth Miller. Nope, none of the above. In their imperial wisdom, People Magazine has selected this fella:

What a joke.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
What's Going On?
What is going on in our Country these past couple weeks? Here is a list that just befuddles me...
- Ann Coulter - what a fucking bitch.
- The Amendment to Ban Gay Marriage to preserve the sanctity of the Marriage Institution...what a bunch of bullshit - 50% of marriages end in divorce - does this say a great institution?
- Gay Bashing and Hate Crimes in NY...the youths say that they didn't know he was gay...the yelling of "Die Faggot" and the fact that he is a famous entertainer/drag queen says otherwise...enjoy prison boys...
- The blown out of proportion reporting on a weak tropical system - TS Alberto - Fox went so far to show a large puddle in the street and declare that the storm has caused widespread flooding - enough already and it's only June. A season full of sensational and exaggerated reporting awaits us - awesome!
- The great American shown in this picture from Florida, we are growing further and further apart - red states and blue states...will we ever be a United States again? What is wrong with these people?
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Marathon = Done
Just got back from San Diego...had a great is always great when you can spend 3 days with friends and instead of being glad they are over, you're sad because you had such a great time. Booty, Jeff, Twon and I spent this past weekend in San Diego, primarily for the Marathon, but it turned into a great weekend trip. The Marathon was so-so, I' d have to say...I was a bit disappointed in the course...I thought it was too hilly and that really took its toll on me. Also the grade of the road was such that it felt like you were running on an angle a lot of the way. I hit my target - kind of - I didn't get the 3:30 I was hoping for, but I did knock off 30 mins from my NYC marathon time and the 3:30 was just with in my reach. If I could just make those last 6 miles a bit more easy - but I guess that's why its called a is not only a physical challenge, but a true mental challenge as well. My legs feel sore, but not in a bad injuries, thankfully and I am seriously thinking about another marathon, but not for a while...maybe Disney in January? Nice weather and flat!!! Marathoners are an interesting group - die-hards for sure and a lot of fun. I wouldn't say that I'm a true marathoner yet, but maybe, I feel like I have been bitten by the bug just a little.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
San Diego Marathon
The marathon is quickly is this Sunday to be exact...I'm worried that I actually peaked about 2 weeks ago...I had the most amazing 12 mile run...~7:10 pace and felt great...I haven't felt good since then...oh well, at least the training for this marathon has been real injuries and I kept my head in it for the most part. I'll keep my head up and think positive thoughts for Sunday...I'm still targeting 3:30 and I think I should be ok...the weather looks amazing for San Diego on Sunday and I can guarantee that we will be the first boys lined up at the bar for beers post race...I need to remember its all about having fun!