Thursday, September 29, 2005
I'm off to DC in the morning to visit my boys, Marcus, Jeff, Max, Jeremy, Brother and of course the token girl, Sister, although she really has the biggest balls. Haven't been to DC since March and am looking forward to my visit. I'm going to enjoy representing the Confederacy and plan on entertaining the masses with a fine rendition of the Karaoke classic "You Never Call Me by My Name." My boss is getting on my last, and when I say last I mean like Z in the alphabet last, nerve. She questioned me about my day off tomorrow..."Do you really need to take tomorrow off" I don't, trust, you don't want me to be here...I need a day's vacation! I look forward to sharing with you the details of my DC trip; y'all have a good weekend in the ATL.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Arrogant Jackass' Anonymous
My Name is Mike Brown and I'm an Arrogant Jackass.
My Name is Tom DeLay and I'm an Arrogant Jackass.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Good Enough
I’m on a lyrics kick…I ran across these lyrics today from Sarah. The first time I heard this song I was visiting a friend in New Orleans for Jazz Fest and whenever I hear it, I always remember a group of us lying on the floor of his living room in the Garden District after an amazing, long day at the festival…we just all laid there, in the darkness that was lit by a few candles, the breeze coming in the windows and listening to the words of the song…re-reading this now, I can relate this song to how badly New Orleans was treated during and after Katrina…aren’t the people who live in New Orleans Americans? Weren’t they good enough? Now with all the finger pointing continuing, its time to forget all of that and focus on rebuilding. New Orleans and its people will be back, it is a hell of a long way home indeed, but through the support of all Americans, New Orleans, a true American city, is on its way....
Good Enough
Hey your glass is empty
it's a hell of a long way home
why don't you let me take you
it's no good to go alone
I never would have opened up
but you seemed so real to me
after all the bullshit I've heard
it's refreshing not to see
I don't have to pretend
she doesn't expect it from me
Don't tell me I haven't been good to you
don't tell me I have never been there for you
don't tell me why
nothing is good enough
Hey little girl would you like some candy
your momma said that it's OK
The door is open come on outside
no I can't come out today
it's not the wind that cracked your shoulder
and threw you to the ground
who's there that makes you so afraid
you're shaken to the bone
and I don't understand
you deserve so much more than this
So don't tell me why
he's never been good to you
don't tell me why
he's never been there for you
don't you know that why
is simply not good enough
so just let me try
and I will be good to you
just let me try
and I will be there for you
I'll show you why
you're so much more than good enough...
Good Enough
Hey your glass is empty
it's a hell of a long way home
why don't you let me take you
it's no good to go alone
I never would have opened up
but you seemed so real to me
after all the bullshit I've heard
it's refreshing not to see
I don't have to pretend
she doesn't expect it from me
Don't tell me I haven't been good to you
don't tell me I have never been there for you
don't tell me why
nothing is good enough
Hey little girl would you like some candy
your momma said that it's OK
The door is open come on outside
no I can't come out today
it's not the wind that cracked your shoulder
and threw you to the ground
who's there that makes you so afraid
you're shaken to the bone
and I don't understand
you deserve so much more than this
So don't tell me why
he's never been good to you
don't tell me why
he's never been there for you
don't you know that why
is simply not good enough
so just let me try
and I will be good to you
just let me try
and I will be there for you
I'll show you why
you're so much more than good enough...
Monday, September 26, 2005
A week, almost
It's been almost a week since I last posted. I haven't been particularly busy or preoccupied, I've just taken a little break. This past weekend was quite non eventful, although I did have some great sushi last night with JB and Twon. Tech got killed, in a quite forgettable game, I slept, I ran and I drank, a bit too much if you ask me. When does one begin to curb the drinking? I think that I just might give it some consideration. I stopped by Kroger today at lunch and they have already put out their Christmas decorations, cards, candy, etc for sale...what the? It's September 26th, 3 months until Christmas...I really need to stock up on waving Santa's, thank God I can get them at Kroger. Other things that have been on my mind:
- Is Sunday really her "Fun Day"...mine is Saturday
- At what age do we begin to realize that life is passing us by?
- Being single vs Relationships...will I ever figure this one out?
- I still have little crushes on certain people
- Having money in the bank is nice, but you can't sit in it, swim in it or ride in it down 400 with the top down and the cool Autumn Georgia air in your face
- Work is work, which is why its called work
- Where would I be today if I picked Boston?
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Our President

Guess who's writing this "I need to use the little boy's room" note to Condoleezza Rice?
Yup...President Bush. You think he would have remembered to drop the kids off before he started the meeting for the United Nations Security Council's FUTURE? One would figure this meeting might be of some importance, even though we know he thinks the UN should be dissolved. We also see by this note who is wearing the pants...notice the question mark, as if he is asking Condi if he indeed, needs to go.
Here is Reuters caption for the picture: U.S. President George W. Bush writes a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Security Council meeting at the 2005 World Summit and 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York September 14, 2005. World leaders are exploring ways to revitalize the United Nations at a summit on Wednesday but their blueprint falls short of Secretary-General Kofi Annan's vision of freedom from want, persecution and war. REUTERS/Rick Wilking
Monday, September 19, 2005
Monday Comes Every Week
I spent this weekend with Charlie. He was in town from Florida and visiting me for the weekend. It was a lot of fun and he is a great guy. It is nice to wake up next to somebody and go out to brunch, etc without having to make a million calls and try to figure out a time/place etc. It really is nice. But, Charlie lives in Florida and I can be 'HM' as he calls it. This is absurd. Ok, well maybe there is a little truth to it...but I think that is because I have been living alone for over 6 years and need to learn to be more accommodating. I'm used to things a certain way...even when my friends come over, which I love...I love, love, love having company...I get a bit anal. Which clearly I am not...or am I? I'm what is called a clothing layer. I take something off and lay it on the chair, on the bed, on the ground. So I'm not anal in that respect. I'm not sure what I am. I've decidedly become more relaxed and patient in the South and desire to chill out more and more. My ultimate goal is to become nothing more than a Matthew McConaughey imitation after he has spent a night with Mary Jane and his bongos. Sure, I'll say, no problem. You want to spill olive oil in my stove and smoke up the I love the smell of burning oils, reminds me of the Iraq war of 1992. You want to cuddle and nap again? Sounds good...who needs to be outside on a gorgeous fall Sunday in the South; sleeping is the new running. So, mark my words Gentiles and Jews, a new day has come (thanks Celine) and I will rise up to the challenge. Once you can identify a goal, the rest is jelly. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds delicious, mmm peach marmalade. What I do know is that today is the last day of my past life. Just as tomorrow will be the last day of my past life if I fuck this up and need to start over again.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Whitney and Bobby
Smile and feel happy that your life is not as bad as Whitney's:
I like Whitney. I hope she can make a come back someday. Whitney, go towards the light.
Snap and not in a 'Z' Formation
What's with people who snap their gum? It is an obnoxious habit and highly annoying...I try and try to overlook, but cannot. To me, it emanates a sense of defiance and a sense of pretentiousness towards others. Nobody wants to hear you chewing your gum and snapping it like a freaky cow that is ready to gossip with the other heifers. Do they not recognize the annoyance? Little air bubbles getting caught up in the residue from a gum tree...snap, crackle and I'll pop you in the face if you don't cut it out. 'Snapping confinement' is equal to the mind crawling anxiety instilled with water torture. You can't get away and the expectation of the next snap will drive you mad. Airplanes are the worst. You are confined to your seat, unable to escape the madness. And what could you say..."Hi, Ma'am...could you please stop snapping your gum like a pretentious cow who thinks her milk tastes like Veuve Champagne?" Unfortunately, that probably wouldn't go well and then you're stuck next to a pissed off cow for hours. So here's a message to all you prissy, snappy, bitchy cows out there who snippety, snap their gum...swallow it, put it under your seat, chew it with your mouth closed, I don't care, but if you happen to get elbowed in the face during some turbulence, don't say I didn't warn you.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Smack Me Down, it's Fall in the South
What a great started with a great run on Friday and then to Will the Pill's 30th birthday party...I really like Apres Diem...I've settled back in from my unneeded level of drama that I created surrounding a horrible day that I had at work on Thursday. I don't like my mood swings and have controlled them over time, but sometimes, you just get set off and damn, I'm on the rollercoaster. But back to normal on Friday...had a great conversation with Davida about life and self-sabotage...maybe I should take my own advice. Saturday was another good one...check mark in the amazing column for the Atlanta Chamber of Tourism...picture perfect southern Saturday. Woke up early, went to brunch at Flying Biscuit, bought new running sneakers and then made a very geeky call to Twon to tell him how happy I was about my new sneakers...note the aforementioned rollercoaster...then spent the day drinking bourbon and tailgating at Tech...on to the game where we beat ranked 16th in the country...amazing, since we weren't even ranked 2 weeks ago. Hooked up with Jenny at Stool Pigeons and ran into Ms. Howard and the boys watching the Ohio State/Texas game...Sunday, I went running with my new shoes, it's the little things in life y'all...Watched the Agassi match for a while, took a nap and went to Publix to buy some food for the was a great weekend all in all...glad that Twon is finally back in town from his international gallivanting with his sugardaddy...xoxo...
Friday, September 09, 2005
Brokeback Mountain
Just watched the trailer for this forward to seeing this one.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
I've often wondered why a Tropical System (ie: Hurricane Maria) can suddenly become "Extratropical"...its bugged me so now I know and I know y'all are dying to know this too:
How tropical and extratropical systems differ:
Tropical system
Forms over a tropical ocean.
Center of storm is warmer than the surrounding air.
Has no fronts.
Strongest winds are near the Earth's surface.
Extratropical system
Forms outside the tropics.
Center of storm is colder than the surrounding air.
Has fronts.
Strongest winds in the upper atmosphere.
How tropical and extratropical systems differ:
Tropical system
Forms over a tropical ocean.
Center of storm is warmer than the surrounding air.
Has no fronts.
Strongest winds are near the Earth's surface.
Extratropical system
Forms outside the tropics.
Center of storm is colder than the surrounding air.
Has fronts.
Strongest winds in the upper atmosphere.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Wednesday Already....
Cool, two days down, two to go. All work weeks should be like this. My friends think I like the Bee know what, yer right...
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
I was in that half-sleep/half-awake state of being on Saturday night and the fact that we had been drinking since 6, first at Steven's sister's wedding, which was very nice - although we were told we weren't gay enough, hmmm and then at Mary's where we did a little karaoke and had a great time...Mary's is one of those classic neighborhood bars where you actually stand amongst the crowd and sing your songs...crowd participation is mandatory and often drowns out the singer, sometimes thankfully so. Rebounding from my I'm back in my half-sleep/half-awake state of mind and find myself having an epiphany. Here's some background...I'm consistently in a state of flux with my career, my relationships (lack there of), me feeling like I'm sinking in the sand, running in place, using too many clichés, so there I was sleeping - kind of and I had this feeling of someone or something telling me it will be ok. It was almost a feeling of me being raised up/picked up from a fall; kind of odd, but comforting. I sometimes think way too much about religion and the cult like tendencies it instills in those who chose to follow a certain sect and maybe I shouldn't. What religion is, I think, is a layered process, complete with cult like guidance. However, I do also think that it provides people with hope and self confidence, that somebody out there is looking out for them, believes than can do it, gives them a reason to push themselves. That is why I think Missy E., Kayne West and Reba always thank God first. They are not thanking him for writing a bible which provides the basis for Right Wing discrimination; however, they are thanking him for giving them a sense of spirituality. A sense of pushing themselves beyond their limits with the understanding that if you fall, he will pick you up. I'd like to thank my God for helping me have the strength to change gyms and wear that pink shirt with my cool vintage shorts from Value Village. On a serious note, I do feel that I am becoming more spiritual, not religious. There is a very important distinction. I find my God resides inside of me and I will look to him/her/it more often for guidance...ultimately we guide ourselves through life, but it’s always nice to know you have a safe place to fall if you should trip along the way.