Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Katrina Ain't Playin' Y'all
Thankfully Katrina weakened (it was a category 5 with sustained winds of 175 mph and a central pressure of 902 mb, stronger then Andrew and Camille!) before making its second landfall east of Grand Isle LA.
Its just about to make its Third landfall west of Biloxi. There supposedly is a breech in a Levee on the Mississippi River just South of the French Quarter. The Super Dome is losing its roof and windows have been blown out all over New Orleans. Keeping my fingers crossed that it moves away quickly and the Quarter is not flooded! Even Atlanta is under a flood watch for today and tomorrow. We don't have any rain right now, but should be an eventful night.
Friday, August 26, 2005
It's 5AM...Where Is My Boo?
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Global Warming?
From a flood in Switzerland:
But don't was the caption:
"A rescuer fixes cables to the car of a 72-year-old woman stranded in her car in a river near St. Leonhard. The woman suffered shock but no injuries and her car was saved. "
Her car was saved? It's in a freaking river! I’m sure it works great…
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Song on the Brain
For Crying Out Loud, Meatloaf
You're Welcome.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Halloween...It's On...
Monday, August 22, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Holy Shit...
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Greetings from 10,000 feet
Friday, August 12, 2005
What's Newsworthy
Large tree branch falls at PGA championship in New Jersey, injuring at least one person.
Is this newsworthy? Who is the Editor/Producer at that made that call..."Yes, use the bright red banner on the main page! We have to let the world know of this travesty!"
Thumbs down on this one...I really like CNN, much better than Fox News...but I often wonder who is at the helm of these decisions and am amazed at how sensationalized news reporting can be.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
- I'm sick of the rain
- I'm glad I'm done with traveling after this weekend, although Denver will be fun
- I'd like to get a house in Blue Ridge for a weekend
- Fall is coming...which means Tech Football & Oktoberfests!
- I have my first Blog crush
- Big ass pizza slices with friends
- The mini donuts @ Lakewood
- Sondre Lerche
- House hunting
- Loft selling
- Getting my lazy ass back in the gym
- Lunch with JJ @ Pig and Chick
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
In the Mail
Monday, August 08, 2005
Infinity and Beyond?
Friday, August 05, 2005
Booty Texts?
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Aunt Martha
She looks so innocent. I want her to make me pancakes...from stratch, no Bisquik or Aunt Jemima, although I do love me some Auntie every now and again...just add water...but talk about a crazy brand image:
I wonder what Martha thinks of Jemima? I'd like to see Martha dress up like Jemima with the head wrap and the hanky around the neck. I can just see Auntie Martha talking to the Federal investigators..."Hell no, I didn't have any inside info...bitch...shut yo' mouth and eat my pancakes!"
BTW, I like mine with Blueberries.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Maui State of Mind

I bought a Maui necklace in of all places, Denver Colorado. I bought it because I had just returned from a trip to Maui, where I could not believe that a place like this actually existed. People get up, go surfing, hang out, maybe work a bartending job or at an art gallery and then head out for the night. I'm sure there are professionals there, but really it is all travel industry related. The island is an amazing place in general and in spirituality. There was one night when my friend BioBoy and I went to watch a sunset on 'Little Beach'... (in the picture above, Big Beach is on the right and Little Beach is the cove on the Left) seriously was an enlightening experience and one that made me realize life is beautiful, magical and there is no reason to be so uptight and stressed out. Picture this...the sound of a drum circle, people dancing around and swimming, whales breeching in the ocean (seriously), the sun setting behind Lanai (another Hawaiian island) and realizing that you are sitting on a small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...amazing. Therefore when I get stressed or notice myself getting anxious about work or anything, I return myself to my 'Maui state of mind'. I think that you need to have experiences like this in life and thankfully I've had at least one and hope to have many more.