Monday, April 30, 2007
This past weekend was what we call a 'Chamber of Commerce Weekend'. The weather was amazing, there was a great festival in one of Atlanta's nicest in town neighborhoods, the beer and champagne was flowing, there was brunch on the porch and kegs on the the patio. My brother came into Atlanta for the first time and was just amazed...his words exactly..."I can see why you love Atlanta so much". Its true. Atlanta doesn't have that 'city' feel of many major US cities, but what it does have cannot be replicated. If you haven't been to Atlanta in the Spring or the Fall, you have to make the trip. The Summer, I will agree is a bit hot, so stick to the Spring and Fall. I met two contractors over at the new house to get quotes on the remodel. I also decided to put pocket doors in my new closet. I'm sure that doesn't sounds very exciting, but after working with an architect for 3 weeks to finalize the plans, its a big deal. Now I just need to find 30 inch pocket doors, a challenge since the standard size is 36 inches. The weekend wrapped up with the first patio party at Loca Luna...flirting was a lot of fun and one of the Varsity Co-Captains is back on the market. May is almost here, which means another b-day...I actually had a dream I found a gray hair! I worry about that stuff too much...
Friday, April 27, 2007
To Judge or not to Judge
One of the problems I feel we have in our country today is the inherent need some people feel to judge others. What makes it 'OK' for somebody to push their views, whether religious or other, onto a non-willing participant. If most Americans just focused their energy inward and worked on being better people themselves, we'd have a more introspective and peaceful country. But, no. We have to deal with people pushing views, making judgement and creating personal hierarchy. Unfortunately, these poor folks are wasting their breathe with me. I just smile and nod...yes Jesus is my savior, I got it. Thanks.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Did you ever reconnect with somebody from your past and realize that you still have feelings for this person? I literally got 'that feeling' in my stomach when I saw his email in my inbox. I'm glad to know that I can still actually feel that way about somebody and really wonder why I'm finding it so difficult to have that feeling again. Are all gay men just after the next party...the sex...being EXTREMELY aggressive to get what they want? I'm sure the straights are the same way, but in such a small community, it just seems so much more exacerbated. I'm very happy in Atlanta, but just need to find that missing piece (no pun intended) and after 12 years, I think I've finally realized that he will not be found as I peer through squinted eyes, late-night at a smoke filled bar. Is my late-night realization, too late?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Jimmy Buffet
I'm heading to the Jimmy Buffet concert tonight down at Philips Arena...I'm a Jimmy Buffet virgin, so I'm looking forward to the experience. I also received the final plans for my new house renovations. Now all that I need is a contractor to actually complete the project. I called another contractor today and he told me that he could start the work in three months. Not so good. If you know if a good contractor in Atlanta...let me know!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
No, I'm not talking about playing dress up...I'm talking about how I have been feeling that past couple days...I'm feeling like I have been dragging and severely need something, of what I don't know, to pick me up. The weekend was ok...ended up in Birmingham for a party called Rites of Spring at a really cool venue called Sloss Furnaces. They used to make Pig Iron here. Not sure what Pig Iron is, but we were able to roam the old factory and let me tell has more nooks and crannies than any Thomas' English Muffin I have seen. I really don't want to know what was going on in each of the crannies, but people continuously appeared and disappeared into and out of the darkness. If it was better attended, it might have been ok fun, but it was basically a 5 out of 10. On the way back from B-ham, I got sick and not hung-over sick, but just plain old, sweaty palms, upset stomach, fever kind of sick. It doesn't happen to me very often, so I was kind of pissed that it was happening at all. I spent 3 hours on Sunday afternoon on the couch. Goodtimes. Woke up and felt better, but have been in a funk ever since. It didn't help that I received a toll violation notice from Irvine California. Let me just tell you...if you have an exit for a toll road which is a 50 cent charge and don't have a change machine...then fuck you. I just don't understand that bullshit. So now I get to pay $50 since they were too cheap to have a cashier or change machine. It all sounds so reasonable. Then I lose one of my new lifting gloves on the way home from the gym. That sounds really stupid, but I'm pissed anyhow. So that brings me here. To Tuesday. I'm just in a plain old funk.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
One Day
What a difference one day makes...yesterday I was drinking my coffee, relaxing and watching the Today Show, really not paying much attention to the news, interviews, not so much. What happened at Virginia Tech is absolutely unbelievable. How could one person kill 32 people? It's unreal. Hearing the stories from students who were in the classrooms when the shootings started is a bit uncomfortable, but fascinating. To hear how they barricaded themselves against the door, when the gunman was trying to get back into the room and then he began shooting through the door? Insane. To watch them give interviews, they are so stoic and matter-of-fact. Almost showing no emotion. I'm thinking that they are in a couple days, they will realize what happened and I hope they are provided with the support that they need. As we go through our day-to-day activities, we tend to keep our noses down and our eyes focused forward. How would we react in a situation like this? I'm angry just thinking about it, but what could have been done differently? I know we say this all the time, but life is fragile and most of the time, our exit from this Earth is out of our control. People always say, 'live life to its fullest.' It's hard to bust out of the norm on a day-to-day basis, but I'm going to continue to try.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Well Rested
I woke up this morning at 7AM, wide awake. This normally doesn't happen. I'm normally dragging myself out of my bed and into the shower to wake up. Not this morning, I woke up, threw some clothes on and went down to Publix to buy some breakfast. I actually sat down, had a cup of coffee and breakfast while I watched the Today Show. It was kind of nice. I think my consumption curbing has helped me become more regulated and balanced. I had a few drinks on Friday, nothing crazy, zero drinks on Saturday (went to an amazing concert at the Tabernacle - Patty Griffin...if you don't know her, make an effort, she in absolutely amazing. She gives me the chills when she sings. I can't say enough about her ability to perform and amaze her audience) and a glass of wine and a marg on Sunday. Went to a party at Frank Green's ( on Sunday and behaved myself. I had a great time catching up with a lot of people I don't see enough. The food was delicious, especially the Chicken Salad. I actually like not being hungover...its kind of opening up a new world for me...breakfast, waking up sans alarm clock and dropping some winter weight...I think the key is not going cold turkey...I do have my needs!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Is Spring actually trying to return to Atlanta? I see the sun today, but it remains cold and windy. At least I'll be able to get some opportunities to where my jackets before its 90 and unbearable. Back from NY and the Baptism. I'm always so torn about going home...I had a good time and love my family, but I just don't fit in up there any more. At one point I found myself in my parent's kitchen surrounded by relatives talking so boisterously you thought a fight was going to break out. Its just life in NY. I had to step outside to hear myself breath and relax a second. Of course it didn't help that I wasn't drinking over last weekend and everybody else was...I never thought I would feel peer pressure to drink or have a conversation with my Uncle about how dangerous mind eraser shots are...but I did. Only do one, no matter what you think at the time. Even my mom got into the act by pushing Sambuca on me after dinner. And I wonder where I get it from? Well, I held strong and didn't drink a drop...I even passed on the wine, oh I mean the blood of Christ, at Church. Its been a whole week since I had a drink...should I be proud or sad that I am actually glad I made it a week. I'm sure I'll have a drink or two this weekend since, well, its the weekend and I'm in Atlanta. Cheers!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Question: Where are all the cute British guys? When I went to London, they were sadly missing...

Answer: They are in the British Military...recently being pardoned in Iran:

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Putting One Foot Forward
Since April is Alcohol Awareness month, I've taken the self-test to determine if I am in fact alcoholic. Based on this test, everybody is an alcoholic. If you drink twice a week, and have 3-4 drinks per instance, you are a borderline alcoholic. They need to include a calculation for people who live in the South. 3-4 drinks? In a day? Have you been to Atlanta? First off, the way we make our drinks, 1 Bourbon and Coke at Blake's is 3-4 drinks. But, I sense my reaction is in fact the whole denial stage. So I've decided to not drink for 2 weeks. That was the suggestion of the test results...I'll see if I can "handle life situations without the support of alcohol". Sure, why not. I'm trying to loose weight anyway. I've also decided to run the Marine Corps Marathon in DC on October 28th...per a previous post, I've made a commitment, now I need to start putting one foot forward and develop a strong sense of conviction towards this goal. So no drinking (for 2 weeks) and a marathon. I think the fact that I'm heading home this weekend to see the Family and become my nephew's God Father has impacted me...I'm realizing I'm the only one who can change me to get what I want... (cue Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror) ... fade to black... and scene.
Monday, April 02, 2007
A New Home
I closed on my 3rd home today. It is a great 1920s Craftsman Bungalow in a part of Atlanta called the Old Fourth Ward. This part of town has been historically 'tough' but has been making strides over the past couple years towards regentrification. Boulevard, the main street just west of my new street, has been primarily Section 8 housing, but the city has recently closed and tore down a notorious food mart, which was the scene of many a shooting. As a result of this tear down along with a 4 building tear down across the street, Boulevard is beginning to have a new life. The city is in the process of repaving the street, which is always a good sign and a new Loft project was just finished 1/4 down the road from my house. This community will have over 100 new lofts and new retail/restaurants in the main floor. Also, the new Ponce Park Development has just started being built on Glen Iris with the tearing down of the National Linen building. Things are really changing. I think its a good investment and one that I will be glad I made in the next couple years. Now let the minor renovations begin!