Monday, February 27, 2006
I'm out in Colorado for a cable industry conference. Flew into Denver and spent Saturday night with Jefe, Chris and Grant. As always, I had a great time. Had some sushi, got some drinks, got some Mardi Gras beads, played some drinking games and happily woke up sans hangover... it was a great night. Now I'm in Colorado Springs...staying at the Broadmoor. This place is huge and 5 star, my first 5 star hotel. My room is quite amazing...probably about 1,000 square feet. The bathroom is all marble and has two sinks as well as a huge stand alone bathtub. The king size bed is awesome. We all know about Heavenly beds from Westin...I think the Broadmoor has one upped the Westin on this one. I set up a wake up call for this morning and when the phone rang, I just picked it up and hung it up, like one would normally do with a wake up call. But then it rang again so I again picked it up and hung it up ... but then it rang again. I was all ... ok, I get it. So I answered the phone and there was a real person there ... a bit too happy for 7AM. She went on to tell me the forecast (which is awesome 70 and sunny) and asked me if I wanted to set up any spa treatments for the day. It was crazy - a real wake up call... kind of fun. I found a great running path that winds through downtown and up to the Airforce Academy. I'm doing my long run today since yesterday was all about relaxing ... 13 miles ... should be fun? Ok, well at least I will get it done. At the conference now with a break between sessions. Looking forward to my stay at the Broadmoor!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Urinetown, The Musical
Last night, I went to see Urinetown the musical. When we finally found the theater (On Stage Atlanta), nestled quaintly between a Piccadilly and a Big Lots...we went downstairs unsure of what to expect. The theater looks fairly new, seating is comfortable and leg room is plentiful. It seats about ~110, or so and for our showing it was about 80% full. I'd have to say, not knowing anything about Urinetown, I was ultimately entertained. Erik, from the blog "well, well, well" had a lead role as the Narrator/Policeman. I thought that he did a great job. He had great interaction with Little Sally and the character fit his personality well. He also did great on the singing front. The cast as a whole sounded amazing together; they blended very, very well and the chorography was good for a small stage. All in all we had a great time. You know the sign of a good experience is when they leave you wanting more. Theater in Atlanta is not huge, but it's really nice to know that it is available and great quality!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
13 Miles
I've got my first long, long (over 10 miles) run on track for this weekend...I'm suppose to do it on Sunday, but since I will be in Denver on Sunday, I'm going to most likely do it on Saturday. I'm feeling good and bouncing back from my down week...mentally, I'm hanging in there! Even though I'm eating a lot, I'm actually still losing weight...down 4 pounds in 4 weeks. I guess if I stay on this track, I'll be down another 14 by the marathon...which is completely impossible. I don't have 14 pounds to lose. I guess I'm going to have to start bellying up to the all you can eat pasta bar. Going to see a play (actually a's called Urinetown) tonight that my friend Erik is in...I'm excited...expect a full report tomorrow...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom to be an Asshole
When I read this article on I really couldn't believe it. I had to re-read it. I wonder if our forefathers are turning in their graves. How can our Constitution protect people like this?
"Shirley Phelps-Roper, a daughter of Fred Phelps and an attorney for the Topeka, Kansas-based church, said neither state laws nor the Patriot Guard can silence their message that God killed the soldiers because they fought for a country that embraces homosexuals. The scriptures are crystal clear that when God sets out to punish a nation, it is with the sword. An IED is just a broken-up sword," Phelps-Roper said. "Since that is his weapon of choice, our forum of choice has got to be a dead soldier's funeral."
(the congregation pickets soldiers funerals, telling them they got what they deserved for fighting in a war for a country that embraces homosexuality)
During the 1990s, church members were known mostly for picketing the funerals of AIDS victims, and they have long been tracked as a hate group by the Montgomery, Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project.
The project's deputy director, Heidi Beirich, said other groups have tried to counter Phelps' message, but none has been as organized as the Patriot Guard. "I'm not sure anybody has gone to this length to stand in solidarity," she said. "It's nice that these veterans and their supporters are trying to do something. I can't imagine anything worse, your loved one is killed in Iraq and you've got to deal with Fred Phelps."
I can't image anything worse either.
"Shirley Phelps-Roper, a daughter of Fred Phelps and an attorney for the Topeka, Kansas-based church, said neither state laws nor the Patriot Guard can silence their message that God killed the soldiers because they fought for a country that embraces homosexuals. The scriptures are crystal clear that when God sets out to punish a nation, it is with the sword. An IED is just a broken-up sword," Phelps-Roper said. "Since that is his weapon of choice, our forum of choice has got to be a dead soldier's funeral."
(the congregation pickets soldiers funerals, telling them they got what they deserved for fighting in a war for a country that embraces homosexuality)
During the 1990s, church members were known mostly for picketing the funerals of AIDS victims, and they have long been tracked as a hate group by the Montgomery, Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project.
The project's deputy director, Heidi Beirich, said other groups have tried to counter Phelps' message, but none has been as organized as the Patriot Guard. "I'm not sure anybody has gone to this length to stand in solidarity," she said. "It's nice that these veterans and their supporters are trying to do something. I can't imagine anything worse, your loved one is killed in Iraq and you've got to deal with Fred Phelps."
I can't image anything worse either.
Its Tuesday and my legs have that good hurt feeling...yesterday was cross training day, so I decided to stay away from all things cardio and focus on lifting...Legs and Biceps. Great workout. My legs feel good...and my biceps feel worked. Today is back to running. Since I'm heading to Colorado this weekend, I've been looking for good trail runs in Colorado Springs...I found one that runs up Pikes Peak. 12.8 miles up. I'm thinking that's a no. Since I have a 13 miler scheduled for Sunday, I'm looking for a flat course! I'll find one that will work. And since I will already be at a disadvantage due to the altitude, I'm really not looking forward to it, but I'm keeping on schedule GD! Made a great piece of Salmon last night and actually enjoyed eating some wild brown rice. Ok, I did use butter on the Salmon and the rice, but geez, I'm eating right, exercising, training for a marathon and it's almost March! I'm keeping on keeping on.
Monday, February 20, 2006
A very smart friend of mine told me that once you become unavailable, it's amazing how much more you become an object of other's attraction. You know how it become all ga-ga over some guy and all of a sudden you are not acting like yourself and even when you talk with him, you say the stupidest shit. It's not who you are and you're not providing a real representation to this person about you, your personality and your general psyche. He does not look twice at you. Why though? What do you have to do? Honestly, I've noticed in the past few years, the more you portray and reflect indifference, the better off you are. It may be very hard for you to do, as it is for me, but its worth a shot. It is work. And it does take effort. But that's the way the game is played. And for all you people who say you don't play games, that in itself is a conscience decision and in essence, a game. Its just from my experience, but don't be so available, so attentive and therefore under appreciated. Do some blowing off, some ignoring, be more may just get the response you are looking for.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Why do people ask themselves questions that they then answer? Does it annoy me? Yes it does. Do I understand why people do this? No I don't. Do I think that people should just make statements instead of asking themselves questions? Sure I do. Do I think this will happen? Never. Will we continue to hear annoying people ask themselves questions in meetings and in interviews? I'm confident we will. Interpersonal communication at its best.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
The Day After
February 15th. Thank God no more listening to Valentine's Day crap. And what's with people who call it Valentime's Day? No 'm''s 'n', Valentine's Day. But thankfully, no more. It's not that I didn't have a Valentine (whatever that is), since I'm dating somebody, but I'm just glad it's not in my face anymore and glad that I don't have to wait in line at Kroger behind all those Men who are rushing in after work to pick up flowers...there had to be 20 guys in line at my Kroger...I'm sure they would have been beat down if they went home empty handed...what a great commercialization and brainwashing by the industries of America. The green sure was rolling in. Hallmark states that, world-wide, approximately one billion Valentine cards are sent each year, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. Maybe I shouldn't be so cynical. And honestly I'm not, I just don't get all caught up in the masses reaction to a holiday. The actual beginning tradition of Valentine's Day was to send anonymous notes to 'persons of interest'. I could have sent a few of was about courtship, intrigue, building of a mystery, making that loved one feel special. How things have changed. Now many American's rush to Kroger to get cellophane wrapped roses so they don't get beat down. Wouldn't it be nice to leave little anonymous notes for people we are interested in... If you live with your partner, how about a note on the coffee machine or on the mirror or in the car. I think that's a great idea and I'm keeping it in mind for next year.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Where's My Head At?
I did something this weekend that I had never done before (no there was not a grand opening celebration at Donkey's Alley)...nor could I understand how people actually had done this themselves. Some how, some way I locked my keys in my truck with the truck running. That is a not so fun feeling kids. I was on the phone with Twon and before I knew it, I was outside my truck and it was locked and still on. Crazy. Then I started getting those machine gun like synaptic firings...Should I break a window? Get a wire hanger (the one thing they are still good for), call a locksmith, the cops? I didn't have keys to my loft either, they were hanging safely from my key chain with the key stuck into the ignition. So I had to think quick...did I even have a back up key? I made one at Home Depot about 3 years ago, but I remembered that they didn't cut it right and it didn't work...did I get another? And I had since moved, so where would it be? In a box somewhere? Meanwhile my car continues to run and I set a plan into motion. My friend Max has a set of keys to my Loft, but they are at his store, which was closed. Luckily he lives in my complex so I go to his front door and knock away...He was sleeping, but finally opened and listened to me embarrassingly describe my situation. All he could do was look at me, shake his head and say "Donkey..." in that I'm disappointed in you son way. He gives me the keys to his truck and his store and off I go. At times like this, you realize how lucky you are to have great friends who are there to help...I get to his store and some employees are still there...I actually scare the shit out of them as I enter and go straight to the Manager's area. They are ok now. Sorry...but I get my keys and I'm back off to the Lofts. I get into my Loft and am emptying out drawers and looking in boxes. I find a key that looks like an extra and head back towards the truck. This is my last chance with Plan A...if this doesn't work, it's going to be a long Sunday night. Ahhh! It opens...I must have gotten another key made! I turn off my truck, give the extra set back to Max and head home. I'm very thankful it worked out, but realize I need to be a bit more organized. What if Max wasn't home? What if the key didn't work? I learned my lesson. Sleep around more and give out sets of your keys as a take home gifts? No...hide keys strategically around the outside of my loft. Next time, which will hopefully never happen, I'll be more prepared!
Friday, February 10, 2006
This weekend should be a fun one...I have a cuddle buddy coming in town, which will be nice since it's going to be a cold, rainy weekend. I'm going to try and keep up with my running schedule, although it's difficult when I have company. But I'm driven! And I must keep on track! Heidi Klum is an idiot. Ok, I'm back. This week has been so-so at work. I've been taking on new projects, which will keep me busy, but only time will tell if I'll be happy. But, alas, work is work. Britney and Kevin are idiots. Sorry for the digression. Looks like there will be a snow storm on tap for the major cities on the East Coast this weekend...finally snow in the winter...what a novel concept. I miss snow! I'd love to be up there for the storm, but I'm a Southern boy now and I get cold when it's below 50. I'm heading to Denver at the end of the month so I'll get my snow fix then. Oh, BTW...Ken got another make over and I hear he is hoping to win Barbie back...

Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
I know...I know...Politics cause division and discourse...but I thought this quote was funny:
"Referring to fugitive al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, Hillary Clinton said, "You cannot explain to me why we have not captured or killed the tallest man in Afghanistan."
"Referring to fugitive al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, Hillary Clinton said, "You cannot explain to me why we have not captured or killed the tallest man in Afghanistan."
I'm keeping on keeping on. Training is going well. I am still not feeling any injuries coming on and have actually started to enjoy stretching for once in my life. I used to think that it was such a waste of time, but as I am reaching my mid 30's, excuse me for a second, ugh, ugh, ugh, ok, I actually find it beneficial. Not to mention it gives me a chance to sit down after running and relax for a minute.
I'm beginning to have Realtor issues, Twon no comments. I found a few houses on my own, hello, shouldn't that be the first sign, and suggested that we take a look this Saturday. The message that I got back was, I have a client that I'm showing houses to on Saturday. Um, what the fuck am I? Am I not your client too? Very confused, very confused. So I suggested that his partner take me out and I haven't heard back yet. Now, I'm not saying that I need all his attention, just an hour or two. Damn, he is getting paid, and handsomely based on my price range. Why is it always impossible to find either a reliable/good realtor or contractor. I think that our economy has been so good for so long, that they are just like whatever, I'll get another client. Perhaps with the down turn, things will get better...all I'm asking is that people do their jobs for which they are paid. Is that so wrong?
I'm beginning to have Realtor issues, Twon no comments. I found a few houses on my own, hello, shouldn't that be the first sign, and suggested that we take a look this Saturday. The message that I got back was, I have a client that I'm showing houses to on Saturday. Um, what the fuck am I? Am I not your client too? Very confused, very confused. So I suggested that his partner take me out and I haven't heard back yet. Now, I'm not saying that I need all his attention, just an hour or two. Damn, he is getting paid, and handsomely based on my price range. Why is it always impossible to find either a reliable/good realtor or contractor. I think that our economy has been so good for so long, that they are just like whatever, I'll get another client. Perhaps with the down turn, things will get better...all I'm asking is that people do their jobs for which they are paid. Is that so wrong?
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Brokeback to the Future
There a number of parodies out there focusing on Brokeback Mountain. Some would say that they are insensitive...that they are making fun of a lifestyle...promoting homophobia...creating a venue for laughing at, criticizing and downplaying the message of the movie...I think that are just plain funny. Many times in American societal history, we laugh and make fun of things that we don't understand. We all do it. Sure some people will find that insensitive or wrong, but in my eyes it's better to laugh and discuss then to put it back in the closet, out of sight and out of mind. It's how we handle things...laughter cuts through barriers and allows us to have an emotion, any emotion, about a certain topic. Laughing makes it ok, to discuss a topic that is taboo to society. It is our crutch to lean on when we discuss things that we don't understand. The laughter will fade away soon enough. And what will be left will be a concept, idea, or in this case, lifestyle, that doesn't seem so foreign or funny any more. So while we are still laughing and making jokes check out this trailer for Brokeback to the Future. Soon enough, it won't be so funny.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Apres Ski
Who knew Serena could ski? She was seen participating in the Gay Ski Week activities in Aspen earlier this month. You go Serena.

Doin' It Right
3 weeks into my Marathon Training and I am on track and feeling great. Last week I ran 31 miles with a 10 miler yesterday, on the treadmill, which made it more monotonous than it should have been. But I felt good and only got that, damn this is taking forever, feeling once. Today is cross training, for which I need to find a cross training activity. I really should get back into spinning, but would like to get spinning shoes first. Maybe today I will just ride the bike for a while. I could always force myself into the pool...I know that swimming would be the zinger in my workout...but that's not gonna happen. I'm just happy that I feel great and am actually somewhat enjoying this training program. It's been a long, long time y'all.
Friday, February 03, 2006
My friend 'Jackass' in making a Valentine's Day CD for some of his customers. He let me listen to a draft copy last night. Hum. Note to all folks who are making a CD for Valentine's Day...Kayne West's Gold Digger with explicit lyrics should not be included.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Can They Get Any Gayer?

This is who was chosen to fill the "gay" spot for CBS's next Amazing Race (season 10). I'd like to thank CBS and especially Producer Brian Worley, for stepping out of the traditional stereotype that has been placed on portraying gays in Reality Television. I'd also like to thank CBS and Producer Worley for graciously accepting and understanding the responsibility they have to various subgroups to provide Middle America a view beyond what is traditionally represented and perpetuated in the media. A job well done!
Split a bottle of Williamette Valley Pinot Noir with Twon last night at The Warren, in the Highlands. I became a member about 3 months ago by winning a membership in a raffle at a fund raiser for The Trevor Project . I've been a couple times, but last night was just right, minus the annoyingly loud sorority lesbian in the back corner. It was just what a Wednesday should be...sitting at the bar drinking some vino, great conversation, small crowd, friendly staff and a nice atmosphere. Now that I actually have my membership card in hand, I think I'll be making a few more trips here over the next couple months.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The media, the government and our Rights as Americans. I'm not one to be overly political, nor do I strong arm my opinions on others. But after hearing how the media reported the arrest of Cindy Sheehan last night and reading about it this morning as a top news story, I searched the web for the first person account, from Cindy Sheehan herself. Now she is a bit wacked and is a little out there, if you ask me, but isn't this what Democracy is about? Allowing freedom of speech and expression. So out of respect for her and our rights as Americans, I have posted her message below. It's a bit over the top but, Y'all something's happening in our Country and we're heading down a path that is quite disturbing.
What Really Happened.
...a message from Cindy Sheehan
Dear Friends,
As most of you have probably heard, I was arrested before the State of the Union Address tonight.
I am speechless with fury at what happened and with grief over what we have lost in our country.
There have been lies from the police and distortions by the press. (Shocker) So this is what really happened:
This afternoon at the People's State of the Union Address in DC where I was joined by congressionally Lynn Woolsey and John Conyers, Ann Wright, Malik Rahim and John Cavanagh. Lynn brought me a ticket to the State of the Union Address. At that time, I was wearing the shirt that said: 2,245 Dead. How many more?
After the PSOTU press conference, I was having second thoughts about going to the SOTU at the Capitol. I didn't feel comfortable going. I knew George Bush would say things that would hurt me and anger me and I knew that I couldn't disrupt the address because Lynn had given me the ticket and I didn't want to be disruptive out of respect for her. I, in fact, had given the ticket to John Bruhns who is in Iraq Veterans Against the War. However, Lynn's office had already called the media and everyone knew I was going to be there so I sucked it up and went.
I got the ticket back from John, and I met one of Congresswoman Barbara Lee's staffers in the Longworth Congressional Office building and we went to the Capitol via the underground tunnel. I went through security once, then had to use the rest room and went through security again.
My ticket was in the 5th gallery, front row, fourth seat in. The person who in a few minutes was to arrest me, helped me to my seat.
I had just sat down and I was warm from climbing 3 flights of stairs back up from the bathroom so I unzipped my jacket. I turned to the right to take my left arm out, when the same officer saw my shirt and yelled, "Protester." He then ran over to me, hauled me out of my seat and roughly (with my hands behind my back) shoved me up the stairs. I said something like, "I'm going, do you have to be so rough?" By the way, his name is Mike Weight.
The officer ran with me to the elevators yelling at everyone to move out of the way. When we got to the elevators, he cuffed me and took me outside to await a squad car. On the way out, someone behind me said, "That's Cindy Sheehan." At which point the officer who arrested me said, "Take these steps slowly." I said, "You didn't care about being careful when you were dragging me up the other steps." He said, "That's because you were protesting." Wow, I get hauled out of the People's House because I was, "Protesting."
I was never told that I couldn't wear that shirt into the Congress. I was never asked to take it off or zip my jacket back up. If I had been asked to do any of those things...I would have, and written about the suppression of my freedom of speech later. I was immediately, and roughly (I have the bruises and muscle spasms to prove it) hauled off and arrested for "unlawful conduct."
After I had my personal items inventoried and my fingers printed, a nice Sgt. came in and looked at my shirt and said, "2,245, huh? I just got back from there."
I told him that my son died there. That's when the enormity of my loss hit me. I have lost my son. I have lost my First Amendment rights. I have lost the country that I love. Where did America go? I started crying in pain.
What did Casey die for? What did the 2,244 other brave young Americans die for? What are tens of thousands of them over there in harm's way for still? For this? I can't even wear a shirt that has the number of troops on it that George Bush and his arrogant and ignorant policies are responsible for killing.
I wore the shirt to make a statement. The press knew I was going to be there and I thought every once in awhile they would show me and I would have the shirt on. I did not wear it to be disruptive, or I would have unzipped my jacket during George's speech. If I had any idea what happens to people who wear shirts that make the neocons uncomfortable...that I would be arrested...maybe I would have, but I didn't.
There have already been many wild stories out there.
I have some lawyers looking into filing a First Amendment lawsuit against the government for what happened tonight. I will file it. It is time to take our freedoms and our country back.
I don't want to live in a country that prohibits any person, whether he/she has paid the ultimate price for that country, from wearing, saying, writing, or telephoning any negative statements about the government. That's why I am going to take my freedoms and liberties back. That's why I am not going to let Bushco take anything else away from me...or you.
I am so appreciative of the couple of hundred protesters who came to the jail while I was locked up to show their support....we have so much potential for good...there is so much good in so many people.
Four hours and 2 jails after I was arrested, I was let out. Again, I am so upset and sore it is hard to think straight.
Keep up the struggle...I promise you I will too.
Love and peace soon,Cindy
What Really Happened.
...a message from Cindy Sheehan
Dear Friends,
As most of you have probably heard, I was arrested before the State of the Union Address tonight.
I am speechless with fury at what happened and with grief over what we have lost in our country.
There have been lies from the police and distortions by the press. (Shocker) So this is what really happened:
This afternoon at the People's State of the Union Address in DC where I was joined by congressionally Lynn Woolsey and John Conyers, Ann Wright, Malik Rahim and John Cavanagh. Lynn brought me a ticket to the State of the Union Address. At that time, I was wearing the shirt that said: 2,245 Dead. How many more?
After the PSOTU press conference, I was having second thoughts about going to the SOTU at the Capitol. I didn't feel comfortable going. I knew George Bush would say things that would hurt me and anger me and I knew that I couldn't disrupt the address because Lynn had given me the ticket and I didn't want to be disruptive out of respect for her. I, in fact, had given the ticket to John Bruhns who is in Iraq Veterans Against the War. However, Lynn's office had already called the media and everyone knew I was going to be there so I sucked it up and went.
I got the ticket back from John, and I met one of Congresswoman Barbara Lee's staffers in the Longworth Congressional Office building and we went to the Capitol via the underground tunnel. I went through security once, then had to use the rest room and went through security again.
My ticket was in the 5th gallery, front row, fourth seat in. The person who in a few minutes was to arrest me, helped me to my seat.
I had just sat down and I was warm from climbing 3 flights of stairs back up from the bathroom so I unzipped my jacket. I turned to the right to take my left arm out, when the same officer saw my shirt and yelled, "Protester." He then ran over to me, hauled me out of my seat and roughly (with my hands behind my back) shoved me up the stairs. I said something like, "I'm going, do you have to be so rough?" By the way, his name is Mike Weight.
The officer ran with me to the elevators yelling at everyone to move out of the way. When we got to the elevators, he cuffed me and took me outside to await a squad car. On the way out, someone behind me said, "That's Cindy Sheehan." At which point the officer who arrested me said, "Take these steps slowly." I said, "You didn't care about being careful when you were dragging me up the other steps." He said, "That's because you were protesting." Wow, I get hauled out of the People's House because I was, "Protesting."
I was never told that I couldn't wear that shirt into the Congress. I was never asked to take it off or zip my jacket back up. If I had been asked to do any of those things...I would have, and written about the suppression of my freedom of speech later. I was immediately, and roughly (I have the bruises and muscle spasms to prove it) hauled off and arrested for "unlawful conduct."
After I had my personal items inventoried and my fingers printed, a nice Sgt. came in and looked at my shirt and said, "2,245, huh? I just got back from there."
I told him that my son died there. That's when the enormity of my loss hit me. I have lost my son. I have lost my First Amendment rights. I have lost the country that I love. Where did America go? I started crying in pain.
What did Casey die for? What did the 2,244 other brave young Americans die for? What are tens of thousands of them over there in harm's way for still? For this? I can't even wear a shirt that has the number of troops on it that George Bush and his arrogant and ignorant policies are responsible for killing.
I wore the shirt to make a statement. The press knew I was going to be there and I thought every once in awhile they would show me and I would have the shirt on. I did not wear it to be disruptive, or I would have unzipped my jacket during George's speech. If I had any idea what happens to people who wear shirts that make the neocons uncomfortable...that I would be arrested...maybe I would have, but I didn't.
There have already been many wild stories out there.
I have some lawyers looking into filing a First Amendment lawsuit against the government for what happened tonight. I will file it. It is time to take our freedoms and our country back.
I don't want to live in a country that prohibits any person, whether he/she has paid the ultimate price for that country, from wearing, saying, writing, or telephoning any negative statements about the government. That's why I am going to take my freedoms and liberties back. That's why I am not going to let Bushco take anything else away from me...or you.
I am so appreciative of the couple of hundred protesters who came to the jail while I was locked up to show their support....we have so much potential for good...there is so much good in so many people.
Four hours and 2 jails after I was arrested, I was let out. Again, I am so upset and sore it is hard to think straight.
Keep up the struggle...I promise you I will too.
Love and peace soon,Cindy